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John Lewis: Good Trouble

July 3, 2020
Virtual Screening

To access the Virtual Screening

  • Select your local theater (that’s us: SouthCoast Film Forum). Click RENT.
  • Buy your ticket, which has a viewing window of several days.
  • 50% of the net proceeds from your ticket purchase comes back to us.

Magnolia Pictures presents “John Lewis: Good Trouble,” a new documentary about the Civil Rights icon and congressional leader. “John Lewis: Good Trouble” chronicles Lewis’ social activism and legislative action on voting rights, gun control, health-care reform and immigration. It uses both present-day interviews with Lewis, as well as archival footage and interviews with other political leaders, family members, and Congressional colleagues. Lewis represents Georgia’s 5th district. Before entering Congress in 1987, he was chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and played a key role in the Civil Rights movement. Lewis’s story will resonate at a time when people across the country are protesting racism and police violence.



The SouthCoast Film Forum
promotes the power of film, art,
and ideas to 
inspire audiences
to create a better world.


  • Presenting independent films for a diverse audience
  • Celebrating storytelling
  • Connecting cultures
  • Fostering curiosity and dialogue


Susan Sargent, Founder and President
Leslie Knowles, Vice President
Terry Schaefer Severance, Secretary
Harvey Goldman, Treasurer
Deb Coolidge, PR coordinator
Tim Mahoney, Tech Advisor
Pamela Spatz, Film Advisor

SouthCoast Film Forum is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.



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